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Thursday, 20 October 2016
Peter was finding it hard to believe that the scene before him was actually happening. He had been invited to the bishop's office for a meeting by 2 p.m.
He came prepared and praying in tongues, thinking it was a meeting of the board of ministers of which he was the secretary. Seen as the favourite "son" of the bishop, he liked to be in the spirit at all times as he might be called upon to share a word of exhortation (short sermon) or contribute to the important discussions at such meetings and to enable him discharge his pastoral responsibilities 24/7.
However, the meeting turned out to be a private affair between himself, the bishop and his fiancée (Rosemary), apparently summoned on her insistence.
Shortly after the bishop welcomed them and gave them room to speak, she announced that she was calling off their engagement! He could not believe her temerity, to speak so boldly in front of the bishop! Young people of nowadays! A girl that was barely twenty, looking the man of God in the eye without blinking, and talking what she doesn't know. He wanted to hush her but the bishop was listening intently, so he had to do the same.
She repeated her announcement as if for emphasis and went on to give her reasons for what was, in his view, a rash and ill-conceived decision. She declared that Pastor Peter was not mentally prepared for marriage, to which he exclaimed, "Lord, have mercy!" She complained that in their two years of courtship, she has not felt any tenderness or love from him.
She reminded the bishop that she was a pastor's daughter and had never had a boyfriend in her life. She had been hoping that marriage would give her the chance to experience a man's love in its fullness but there was no indication that Pastor Peter was inclined to love any woman. He was all about prayer, preaching, casting out demons and the like. She concluded that rather than envy other women or compromise her marital vows in search of happiness outside her home, she was nipping the disaster in the bud by ending the "charade".
Peter felt he could understand the bishop's desire to hear the misguided girl out. It was the patience of a father in dealing with even the most recalcitrant child. Surely, he had heard enough and would send her to some deaconesses or pastors' wives to straighten her out. But the bishop wasn't just playing according to his "son's" script today.
He called for drinks and made chit-chat with them as they sipped their glasses of Maltina. Then he asked Rosemary to elaborate what she meant by not feeling tenderness or love from Peter.
As if on cue, the bishop's wife came in. The bishop stood up to hug her. He complimented her on her new hairdo and she giggled like a child. Then he excused himself from the meeting and they huddled at the far end of the room. Rosemary was watching them wistfully.
Peter followed her gaze for some seconds before "realizing" he was "wasting valuable time". This was his chance to put an end to this nonsense and prevent this silly girl from further wasting the man of God's time. Their marriage was widely confirmed to be the will of God, so no "demonic brain wave attack" on his fiancée would scuttle it.
He reached out and placed his right hand on her head and began to pray in the spirit. She pushed his hand away. "Instead of you to be taking notes from real men", she said, pointing in the direction of the bishop who was holding his wife's hands at the time, "you're busy hiding under the cover of prayer".
"When have we ever had a conversation like that?" she asked. "When have you ever visited me - at work, at our house or my church?" she continued.
"I'm next to the bishop, you know? We are running a big ministry here. Besides, what stops you from visiting me? You clearly have more time on your hands."
"I tried that, remember?" she replied with a snort.
"Help me out here", he said, after thinking for a while, his expression vacant.
"Since you've shown no interest in knowing my birthday, I thought we might, at least, spend time together on yours. Last year, you were preaching at a crusade in Ghana, but this year, I cooked jollof rice with chicken and came to your office. Even though I'd begged you to make time for us ..."
"If I recall clearly, you abandoned me in the office that day ..."
"After two hours! I'd scarcely sat down when you said, 'Let us pray'. I thought you would just thank God briefly but you prayed up a storm and when it became clear I wasn't going to have quality time with you, I decided to go. And you were so lost in the spirit, you didn't even notice me leave".
"Point of correction: there can be no better quality time than time spent with God. You of all people should know that!"
"The Bible says a married man is concerned with how to make his wife happy but since you want to be like Apostle Paul, I'm releasing you to do as you wish."
"I don't have Paul's calling. You'll be my wife, so help me, Madam Theresa, Mother-of-Love!"
"If you call me that thing again, I will scream so loud ...".
"Please, don't, my dear" the bishop cut in with a smile. They had been engrossed in their discussion and hadn't heard him approaching. His wife had apparently left.
After taking his seat, he began, "Before the break, you were about to tell me why you feel your fiancé doesn't love you", looking at Rosemary. "I suggest that you tell it all to Peter."
"Not here", he added, as she made to speak.
"And you, Peter, take the rest of the day off. I hear there's a new eatery in town, one of those fancy places. Get a booth, so you can talk without disturbance." He added, "I will pay". This in response to the alarm on Peter's face.
"Go with your diary so you can take notes", he told him. "We don't want him saying he forgot your demands, ever!" He directed this to Rosemary with a sparkle in his eyes. Rosemary frowned, wondering, "Is he making fun of me?" But the bishop's next words made her heart leap with joy.
"I have a project for you, Peter. It is called Loving Rosemary. When was the last time you took a leave?" Peter was trebly alarmed this time. Was the bishop suddenly getting senile, he asked himself. These are the last days! The devil is working overtime and so must the soldiers of the cross! What then is this talk of leave all about?
"I approve an accumulated leave of three months for you. I will reassign your duties. Get to know your future wife. Find out her likes and dislikes. Learn how you can please her, in line with biblical standards, of course. You can volunteer at the charity where she works so you can spend much time together. And worship at her church on Sundays if you wish. Believe me, this is for your own good. If you walk into a bad marriage, your ministry will probably sink. Your personal relationship with God will likely suffer also. You'll certainly be carrying more baggage than necessary, not an advantage for someone who wants to go far in life.
"I'm sure you haven't seen your family in years. Take Rosemary to visit them. Acquaint yourself with your future in-laws too. If the Lord tarries, when you resume work, we'll hold another meeting like this one and, I believe God, it shall be smiles all round so we can schedule your wedding."
- The end-
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Life is short, so fill it with the things that you enjoy.
1) Stop wasting your time watching rubbish on TV
How many times have you sat through an entire TV programme
and then ended up complaining about how awful it was? This experience is
too common not to learn from. Be proactive. Switch off the TV when a
programme is boring and put that time to use for something more
2) Putting on your makeup before you go to the gym
Makes no sense. Because you are only going to get hot and sweaty when you work out and the makeup is going to wear off and spread haphazardly, making you look horrible and feel uncomfortable. So, really, why bother putting it on in the first place? Give makeup a miss and you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll save. Besides, ultimately, no one will notice anyway – it’s a gym, remember?
Makes no sense. Because you are only going to get hot and sweaty when you work out and the makeup is going to wear off and spread haphazardly, making you look horrible and feel uncomfortable. So, really, why bother putting it on in the first place? Give makeup a miss and you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll save. Besides, ultimately, no one will notice anyway – it’s a gym, remember?
3) Worrying about what other people think
A useful tip on how to stop wasting time and become happier is to stop stressing about people’s opinion of you, as it’s an utter waste of your time. So long as you are happy with who you are, that’s all that counts. You won’t change other people’s mind about you anyway, so let them get on with it. Let it go.
A useful tip on how to stop wasting time and become happier is to stop stressing about people’s opinion of you, as it’s an utter waste of your time. So long as you are happy with who you are, that’s all that counts. You won’t change other people’s mind about you anyway, so let them get on with it. Let it go.
4) Posting everything you do on social media
Are you a media house covering your own life? Are you one of those people who take photos of every event of the day and then pass it on as news onto your followers on social media? Work out how much time you are wasting on that and then ask yourself if the whole world really needs to know what you had for lunch or what you saw on your way to the shop.
5) Gossiping
Okay, admittedly, gossiping can be fun, but you have to draw the line somewhere. No one can resist a little bit of gossip, but it won’t actually get you anywhere with anything. Trim down your daily gossip quota and spend more time on yourself.
Okay, admittedly, gossiping can be fun, but you have to draw the line somewhere. No one can resist a little bit of gossip, but it won’t actually get you anywhere with anything. Trim down your daily gossip quota and spend more time on yourself.
6) Chasing unrequited love
If you don’t seem to be making headway with your crush, then take the hint and give up the pursuit. If a person really isn’t interested into you, you should be able to accept things the way they are, and also to have the strength to move on.
If you don’t seem to be making headway with your crush, then take the hint and give up the pursuit. If a person really isn’t interested into you, you should be able to accept things the way they are, and also to have the strength to move on.
7) Worrying about the past
You can’t change the past, so why worry about it? Think about it. Wallowing in regret, wondering if you could have done something differently, won’t make any difference to what you actually did. Forget it. Concentrate on what you are doing right now and how you can do it well and with happiness.
You can’t change the past, so why worry about it? Think about it. Wallowing in regret, wondering if you could have done something differently, won’t make any difference to what you actually did. Forget it. Concentrate on what you are doing right now and how you can do it well and with happiness.
8) Doing things that you hate doing
If you hate doing it, why on earth are you doing it at all? Life is short, so fill it with the things that you enjoy. If it’s a chore that absolutely has to be done, then get it done quickly. If it’s something that isn’t essential then leave it and move on to something that will be fun and worthwhile.
If you hate doing it, why on earth are you doing it at all? Life is short, so fill it with the things that you enjoy. If it’s a chore that absolutely has to be done, then get it done quickly. If it’s something that isn’t essential then leave it and move on to something that will be fun and worthwhile.
9) Following the path that is getting you nowhere
This piece of advice applies equally to relationships and careers. If a chosen path doesn’t appear to be leading where you want it to, then change directions fast. Don’t waste your time being stuck within a place without passion and happiness. Get out and explore new opportunities – you’ll be surprised how many there are.
10) Complaining about how bad your life is
Look, everyone has issues. If you really do think that life has dealt you a bad hand, then deal with it and try and recover! Keep going. Complaining won’t fix any problems, so stand up for yourself and make the changes. You are the architect of your own happiness – take this job seriously.
Look, everyone has issues. If you really do think that life has dealt you a bad hand, then deal with it and try and recover! Keep going. Complaining won’t fix any problems, so stand up for yourself and make the changes. You are the architect of your own happiness – take this job seriously.
In a nutshell, without boring y'all with details, Nitric Oxide (NO) is a vasodilator ... (you can call it good ol' refined oxygen!) which relaxes your arteries and increases the bloodflow in your body. for a man, it is the healthiest thing to have high testosterone along with high levels of Nitric Oxide.
And due to the fact that it enhances circulation all
around the human body, Nitric Oxide boosters are generously used as
pre-workout supplements among weight-lifters and various other athletes
that could benefit from increased circulation in their choice of sport.
But creating the feeling of ‘pump’ before a workout isn’t by far the only benefit of increasing Nitric Oxide levels:
a) Boosting Nitric Oxide is extraordinarily good at
preventing cardiovascular disease, as it relaxes arterial walls, dilates
the vessels, and improves the flow of blood.
b) NO improves brain functioning and reduces cognitive
decline, due to the fact that it greatly enhances bloodflow to the brain
and functions as a secondary neurotransmitter between nerve cells.
c) Nitric oxide is one of the main ‘ingredients’ behind
erections, and without the molecule, you simply couldn’t have a boner.
(study, study, study). Simply put, the more nitric oxide you have, the
stronger the tool of love.
d) Boosting Nitric Oxide levels can greatly improve the
effectiveness of your workouts, due to the fact that your muscles will
receive more oxygen and nutrients when your veins are dilated and
circulation is enhanced. For the same reason, NO also shortens recovery
Simply put, increasing nitric oxide makes the body run more
smoothly, as oxygen, nutrients, and red blood cells can reach their
target tissue and cells faster.
The team of researchers that discovered NO’s vasodilating
and cardio-protective effects actually received Nobel’s price back in
1998. So the molecule is kind of an important thing, especially if
you’re a man…
… Personally i think it’s the second most important thing to optimize, right after testosterone.
And fortunately it’s quite easy to boost Nitric Oxide naturally, and you can do it with a small budget too.
Now that you know what is Nitric Oxide and why it’s so beneficial, here’s 20 ways to increase Nitric Oxide levels naturally:
1. Eat Foods that Boost Nitric Oxide
When you eat foods that contain natural nitrates, the bacteria in your tongue converts them into nitritines…
When you eat foods that contain natural nitrates, the bacteria in your tongue converts them into nitritines…
…And once you swallow the food, the bacteria in your gut converts the nitritines into Nitric Oxide.
This occurrence – as you might guess – will increase your
nitric oxide levels dose dependently (the more nitrates you eat, the
more nitric oxide your tongue and gut will produce and convert).
And fortunately, nitrate-rich foods are easy to obtain and they’re also quite cheap…
…Here’s a list of few great foods that are natural vasodilators:
Spinach, dark chocolate (or raw cocoa), watermelon, walnuts, brown rice, oranges/vitamin C, garlic, cayenne pepper, honey, animal organs, onions, shrimps, peanut butter/groundnuts etc.
2. Vitamin C + Garlic
It’s a well known medical fact that vitamin C increases Nitric Oxide production in the body, and that it also protects the molecules.
It’s a well known medical fact that vitamin C increases Nitric Oxide production in the body, and that it also protects the molecules.
Garlic, on the other hand, is a natural vasodilator and
filled with natural nitrates, and it also contains a compound called
quercetin, which is linked to increased NO levels in various studies
(more about quercetin later in this post).
Few studies have also found that garlic is more effective at dropping high blood pressure than most drugs on the market.
3. Citrulline
L-Citrulline is an amino acid that your kidneys will convert into L-arginine.
L-Citrulline is an amino acid that your kidneys will convert into L-arginine.
L-Arginine will then convert into nitric oxide by the
actions of the nitric oxide synthase enzyme (eNOS). Meaning that
supplementation with L-citrulline is a solid way to increase NO levels
Why not supplement with direct L-arginine then?
Answer: For some odd reason, L-citrulline is better at
increasing serum arginine content than L-arginine itself. This doesn’t
mean that L-arginine wouldn’t work, it’s just that citrulline is better
at increasing the nitric oxide boosting arginine than the actual amino
You can get some citrulline by eating watermelons, however,
to get any noticeable effects, supplementation with amino acid containing L-arginine is recommended.
4. Arginine
Like I said above, L-citrulline is more effective at increasing arginine content than L-arginine itself is, which is odd, but sometimes the body works like that (maybe the arginine produced by the kidneys is superior to lab-made).
Like I said above, L-citrulline is more effective at increasing arginine content than L-arginine itself is, which is odd, but sometimes the body works like that (maybe the arginine produced by the kidneys is superior to lab-made).
However, even though citrulline is better, it doesn’t mean
that arginine would be useless. It’s still the staple ingredient in
almost all of the pre-workout boosters out there
Several studies have found that arginine increases Nitric Oxide levels.
5. Exercise
Exercising and staying active is amazingly awesome for pretty much everything. After all, we were never meant to sit around all day.
Exercising and staying active is amazingly awesome for pretty much everything. After all, we were never meant to sit around all day.
We should be constantly on the move, walking, climbing, etc.
And pretty much all kinds of exercise (all the way from
walking into furious strength training) has been shown to increase Nitric Oxide levels, both, temporarily and the baseline.
Also if you go to the gym regularly, Nitric Oxide
production will increase as your muscles increase in size. In a way,
your body notices that the muscles need more blood, oxygen, and
nutrients, so it increases the baseline Nitric Oxide synthase and thus,
your baseline Nitric Oxide levels will increase too…
6. Sunlight
It’s a well-known fact that natural sunlight triggers the skin to produce vitamin D…
It’s a well-known fact that natural sunlight triggers the skin to produce vitamin D…
…But what most people don’t know, is that the natural
sunlight will also trigger the skin to synthentise more nitric oxide
(provided that you don’t use those lame sunscreens that block the
natural awesomeness that the sun has to offer).
And this is no bro-science either. The researchers at the
University of Edinburgh found out that when sunlight touches the skin,
nitric oxide is instantly released into the bloodstream…
…Furthermore, they concluded that sunlight exposure can
significantly increase your life-expectancy by cutting the risk of
“We suspect that the benefits to heart health of sunlight
will outweigh the risk of skin cancer. The work we have done provides a
mechanism that might account for this, and also explains why dietary
vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to fully compensate for
lack of sunlight.”
So stop worrying about skin cancer, sunlight is essential
for life, and you can’t get it out of a bottle. Besides, you’re 80 times
more likely to die from a stroke than by skin cancer.
7. Ginseng
Panax ginseng, or the ‘real Korean ginseng’.
Panax ginseng, or the ‘real Korean ginseng’.
It contains these active compounds called ‘ginesonides’ which are structurally very similar to androgens, such as testosterone.
What makes ginseng interesting, is the fact that several
human studies show how it increases testosterone, increases nitric
oxide, improves circulation, promotes sleep quality, relaxes arteries,
and boosts libido.
8. Toss out the Mouthwash
Remember in the tip number #1 how I said that the bacteria in your tongue converts nitrates into nitritines, and then your gut continues the process by converting the nitritines into NO?
Remember in the tip number #1 how I said that the bacteria in your tongue converts nitrates into nitritines, and then your gut continues the process by converting the nitritines into NO?
Well, that process never occurs if you’re a ‘heavy user’ of mouthwashes.
Listerine and the likes, tend to destroy all of the
bacteria in your mouth (remember not all bacteria is bad) so that the
nitrates can’t convert into nitritines.
I for one don’t use any mouthwashes. Eating real
unprocessed food, drinking plenty of water, and washing my teeth every
evening is enough to keep my breath fresh.
9. Laughter
You wouldn’t think that the simple act of laughing could do anything dramatic…
You wouldn’t think that the simple act of laughing could do anything dramatic…
…However, research has already shown us that when men watch
60 minutes of a comedy film, their growth hormone, dopamine, and nitric
oxide levels increase significantly when compared to control group.
So maybe it’s true that laughter makes you live longer.
Whatever the case might be, at least your circulation will improve when you’re having fun
10. Niacin
Niacin (vitamin B3) is one of the 80 essential nutrients for human survival.
Niacin (vitamin B3) is one of the 80 essential nutrients for human survival.
To put it mildly, niacin plays a crucial role in energy
production, gene expression, and hormone synthesis. Humans cannot exist
without it.
It’s also good for the heart. Actually, research shows that
it’s far more beneficial than statins at reducing deaths caused by
This is mostly because of the facts that niacin increases
nitric oxide synthase, and thus, baseline NO levels, and it also
elevates the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol, while simultaneously lowering the
‘bad’ LDL cholesterol .
11. Capsaicin
Capsaicin is the alkaloid that makes all chilis hot. It’s literally the compound that creates the feel of heat in your mouth.
Capsaicin is the alkaloid that makes all chilis hot. It’s literally the compound that creates the feel of heat in your mouth.
And it’s also pretty good at increasing nitric oxide levels, at least if you believe the science.
One animal study also suggests that capsaicin might protect testosterone molecules during long-term calorie restriction.
You can get plenty of capsaicin by adding some cayenne
pepper (or other hot chilis) to your foods, or you could also supplement
with the alkaloid if you’re no friend of hot foods.
12. Coffee, or not
Nitric Oxide is a natural vasodilator, meaning that it dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure…
Nitric Oxide is a natural vasodilator, meaning that it dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure…
…Coffee, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. A
vasoconstrictor, which makes the vessels smaller, while also increasing
blood pressure.
But then again, coffee contains plenty of antioxidants,
which in this study, was shown to increase the enzyme nitric oxide
synthase, which converts arginine into NO.
So the antioxidants in coffee increase nitric oxide
production, but the caffeine in it constricts blood vessels at the same
So it’s probably a plus, minus, zero kind of situation,
except if you drink decaffeinated coffee, then you would get a boost in
NO, without the vasoconstrictor effects. However, you wouldn’t get the
testosterone boost that coffee gives since that’s caused by caffeine.
13. Raw Cacao
Raw cacao – and by this, I mean real unheated cacao that has been cold pressed from the bean – is a super food that contains A LOT of antioxidant and polyphenols.
Raw cacao – and by this, I mean real unheated cacao that has been cold pressed from the bean – is a super food that contains A LOT of antioxidant and polyphenols.
And that’s the reason why it also skyrockets Nitric Oxide
production and relaxes the inner lining of arteries.
Raw cacao actually contains the same Nitric Oxide boosting
active compound as Pycnogenol and grape seed extract do (protocyanidin),
along with many other NO boosting antioxidants.
However, when purchasing raw cocoa, remember that it has to be raw and cold pressed. Heat destroys the antioxidants.
14. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3’s are pretty damn healthy. There’s just no way around the fact.
Omega-3’s are pretty damn healthy. There’s just no way around the fact.
They’re are anti-inflammatory, they significantly increase
blood flow and nitric oxide levels, and they’re extraordinarily awesome
at lowering stroke risk and blood clots (study, study, study, study).
The simple truth is that we’re eating way too little of
these essential fatty acids, as the modern diet favors processed
vegetable oils, margarines, and trans-fats over healthy natural
alternatives such as butter, olive oil, avocados, fish oil, cod liver
oil, fatty fish, chia seeds, etc…
Basically we’re eating way too much of the omega-6’s and
way too little of the omega-3’s. Correcting that is simple, just start
eating more omega-3’s and less omega-6’s. Your overall health will
improve dramatically, and Nitric Oxide levels will increase in the
I highly recommend this pharmaceutical grade fish oil for daily use.
So to increase Nitric Oxide production naturally, drink red
wine, eat grapes, and perhaps supplement with an amino acid supplement which contains arginine.
So there you go, 14 ways to increase Nitric Oxide levels naturally, and a brief explanation of why you should do just that.
Chat me up on Whatsapp if you need Luji Pure Cocoa or Watermelon + Ginger juice. Ubong 08124362346
So there you go, 14 ways to increase Nitric Oxide levels naturally, and a brief explanation of why you should do just that.
Chat me up on Whatsapp if you need Luji Pure Cocoa or Watermelon + Ginger juice. Ubong 08124362346
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Seriously, i know some guys that would gladly give up natures call once there's drink, sexy irresistible girls, and 2days of clubbing!
In Lagos especially, we are so engrossed in our daily activities and run after cash like those adrenaline-pumped hounds with numbers that we bet on, regardless of the signals our bodies show us to say, 'Hey men, cool down!'
Physical rest repairs and rebuilds the body and mind. When we exert ourselves physically or mentally, we long for the restoration of our energy. Researchers have shown that both the physical stress of manual labor and even the emotional stress of a desk job require subsequent rest for the body and mind to recuperate.
Many of us need more rest; we live in a culture that
forfeits rest to chronic overwork. Studies have shown that the average
individual doesn’t get nearly enough sleep for what their body requires
to function at peak performance
Not only do different age groups need different amounts of
sleep, but sleep needs are also individual. Just like any other
characteristics you are born with, the amount of sleep you need to
function best may be different for you than for someone who is of the
same age and gender. While you may be at your absolute best sleeping
seven hours a night, someone else may clearly need nine hours to have a
happy, productive life. My friends Dr Orungbeja and Dr Adenuga need only
about 3 hours per day. I dont know how they do it. Lol.(I'm sure they make up for it as power-naps ... which are very important by the way).
Another reason why there is “no magic number” for your
sleep results from two different factors that researchers are learning
about: a person’s basal sleep need – (the amount of sleep our bodies
need on a regular basis for optimal performance) and secondly, sleep
debt (the accumulated sleep that is lost to poor sleep habits, sickness,
awakenings due to environmental factors or other causes). Two studies
suggest that healthy adults have a basal sleep need of seven to eight
hours every night, but where things get complicated is the interaction
between the basal need and sleep debt. For instance, you might meet your
basal sleep need on any single night or a few nights in a row, but
still have an unresolved sleep debt that may make you feel more sleepy
and less alert at times, particularly in conjunction with circadian dips
, those times in the 24-hour cycle when we are biologically programmed
to be more sleepy and less alert, such as overnight hours and
Our minds are barraged with input from 5 senses, as well as constantly suffering from usage from thoughts, logic, creativity, and memories. While we sleep, our mind is finally able to ‘defragment’ itself (to put it in computer terms), and take what’s in short term memory, and place it into long-term memory, or discard it altogether if it deems it unimportant to you.
Another theory is that every moment we move, we stress our
systems. At night, while we sleep, our bodies finally get the chance to
rebuild itself. Our bodies are assaulted at every instance by poisons,
bacteria, viruses, and infections, and during the day, we spend our
immune system’s resources fighting them. While we sleep, we are able to
‘restock’ for tomorrow’s assault. It is also worthy to note that we should make conscious effort to sleep at a particular time 'everyday' ... this increases the quality of your sleep.
Sleep is an often overlooked essential for optimal health
and well-being. Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many
suffer from lack of sleep. The results of recent surveys reveal that at
several million individuals suffer from over 70 different sleep
disorders and over 50% percent of adults report having sleep problems a
few nights a week or more. Most of those with these problems go
undiagnosed and untreated.
With phrases like ‘YOLO (You only live once)’ still in full
circulation, it’s tempting to indulge yourself every chance you get.
This can look like guzzling down beer, chain smoking, or staying up all
night to party or game, even if it regularly cuts into your sleep.
That ice cold beer may be exactly what you needed, a
cigarette may take off the edge, and it really is fun to stay up at
night, but several years down the line, you’ll realize that time isn’t
something that you can get back. You can change your habits but you
can’t undo the effects overnight. That’s why we’re telling you now to
take a step back and reevaluate, because your health is at risk.
Today, we’d like focus particularly on how your habits may
affect the male erection. Unless you’re asexual, this is something you
probably value. A lot.
Erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to keep an
erection while engaging in sexual acts, affects your self-confidence and
relationships. A lot of Nigerian men currently live with a level of
impotence or experience recurring Premature Ejaculation but are scared
to see anyone for help.
Do keep in mind that an occasional problem isn’t something
to worry about, but if you’d like to keep it from repeatedly happening,
take these necessary precautions.
Keep a Tab on Your Waist Size
It really depends on your stature, but according to a study
by the University of Calabar, men with a waist size of 40 inches or
more were more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Smoking: Too Cool For School… and Erections
Did you know that smoking is the leading cause of erectile
dysfunction for men under 40? Healthy reactions require a healthy blood
supply and flow. Smoking leads to plaque build-up in the arteries which
obstructs regular flow.
According to one study, men who smoked 20 cigarettes or more each day faced a 60% higher risk of ED than those who didn’t smoke.
When You Booze, You Lose
There’s a misconception that alcohol makes people feel more
sexual. Sure, it can sometimes bring you liquid courage but the fact is
that alcohol is a depressant. Drink too much and it can decrease your
sexual desires. If you can give up the drink, that’s great, but you
don’t necessarily have to. Moderation is key. The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines moderation as two drinks a
day for men
Oral Health and Your Immune System
The Journal of Sexual Medicine published a study which
revealed that men with ED are three times more likely to suffer from
periodontal, or gum, disease when compared to men without ED. This is
because inflammation, which occurs in reaction to injury or infection,
can spread from the gums to the rest of the body. To prevent bacteria,
brush twice a day, cut down on the mouthwash and set up regular visits with your dentist
Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are common causes of ED. Stress can be
caused by a number of things, including work deadlines, money problems,
marital issues, or the death of a loved one, for example. Although you
cannot reverse some circumstances, you can do some things to alleviate
the stress.
One thing you can do is cut out negative relationships and
maintain the healthy ones. Another thing to is to express what you’re
feeling, not aggressively but assertively. Remember that whatever you’re
going through is going to take some time and you may have to try
several different things before you start to feel better. Other great
ones you should try are rest and exercise, listed up next.
Get Plenty of Rest
Sleep deprivation can also led to ED. If you have an
irregular sleeping pattern, work on time management. You don’t have to
cut out Netflix marathons, gaming, or occasional partying, but it would
help to organize and moderate them. Use a Google calendar or a standard
planner. Plan your days ahead of time and prioritize getting enough
Eat Well & Stay Active
There are a number of exercises out there for men to
relieve erectile dysfunction but we’d like to get you moving ahead of
time. If you’re overweight or live with diabetes or both, the nerves
that supply the penis can be affected.
Maintain a healthy weight through exercise and eating
right. Avoid eating fried and processed foods whenever possible and make
sure to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals.Truth is, guys, we have to pay close attention to our bodies and lifestyles so our dicks can retain attention. this is the essence of our manhood and that's where your BALLS are. Stay blessed!
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