
Sunday, 13 November 2016


... Continued from previous post

'President Trump encounters a foreign policy crisis.’
H.W. Brands is a professor of history at University of Texas at Austin

Worst case: President Trump encounters a foreign policy crisis. Lacking experience, he relies on his gut and makes a bad situation worse. His ego gets involved; he doubles down. The crisis escalates, leading to war (with Russia over the Baltics? China over Taiwan? North Korea? Iran?)

Best case: Americans discover that he didn’t mean much of what he said as a candidate. Forget the wall ... Mexicans are already training on wall climbing skills sef, so that one won't work. Forget a trade war with China. Forget scuttling NAFTA. Forget deporting 11 million immigrants. He recognizes that he needs help and surrounds himself with able advisers. How to avoid the worst and foster the best? I fear this is beyond the control of anyone besides Donald Trump.

‘Building the wall … is not part of a worst-case scenario.’
Alfonso Aquilar

Worst-case scenario: Trump requires undocumented immigrants without criminal records to leave the country. He doesn’t try to deport them, but puts in place measures to encourage self-deportation. Meanwhile, in the process of deporting criminal undocumented immigrants, many who haven’t committed crimes are also accidentally removed, separating families. Building the wall, contrary to what Democrats would like to make Americans believe, is not part of a worst-case scenario since every immigration reform package that has been discussed in the U.S Congress has included fencing. There is money already appropriated by previous Congresses to expand fencing. The Secure Fence Act, which then Senator Clinton voted for, calls for setting up double-layer fencing along 700 miles of the southern border.

Best-case scenario: Trump builds the wall and reduces considerably the illegal entry of foreign nationals, and works with Congress to pass legislation to mandate E-Verify so employers cannot hire undocumented workers and to set up an Entry-Exit system that identifies visa overstayers so they can be removed immediately. And, after these measures are being executed, he also proposes and passes a bill that provides a path to legal status—not citizenship—to undocumented immigrants without criminal records. He got 29 percent of the Latino vote, more than anyone expected, and outperformed Mitt Romney with Latinos. If he is able to deal with the issue constructively and deal with non-criminal undocumented immigrants in a reasonable way, that number will get close to 40 percent or more in the next election.
How does he accomplish the best-case scenario? By ensuring that influential leaders who have strongly supported him and who are trusted by members of Congress who oppose comprehensive immigration reform like Senator Sessions, help him get all of these measures—including the path-to-legal status component—through both chambers, persuading more conservative members that these pieces of legislation are consistent with conservative principles. Trump will also need the support of Latino leaders to sell his immigration agenda to the general pubic and the Latino community.

‘A Trump presidency may give the legislature the chance to restore some of its long-lost luster.’
John McLaughlin

The worst-case scenario would come about in the Trump presidency if he simply turns out to be who he says he is. I, and i'm sure most Nigerians too, hope he lied on some of his promises just to get electoral votes.
Just tick through the list of things he’s promised and you will end up with nuclear weapons spreading, trade wars with countries in Asia and the Western Hemisphere, a Russia freer to meddle in the affairs of neighbors, and allies doubting America’s fidelity to treaty commitments. Yet if he walks away from these positions, he starts to look to his hard core supporters like just another politician who says things only to get elected—leading to still more cynicism among American voters.

The best case is one in which, through some combination of input from his advisers, intelligence briefings, and Trump’s own business-related intuition, he comes to understand the complexities of the current international environment—and, importantly, is able to avoid the decisional paralysis that sometimes results from such an understanding. In other words, he sorts through international issues with the pragmatism you would expect from someone with a previous history of managing a bottom line in a business environment. He has given no public evidence that this is his likely approach, so it’s wait-and-see time, keeping-your-fingers-crossed time ... funny enough, this is kind of synonymous to the much awaited change Nigerians yearned for, we were given promises, kept our fingers crossed and gave President Buhari a benefit of doubt, but then we were sold a spoon of rice for the price of a plate, fell into a recession, which we are still grappling with by the way, and then his party took the blame game to a whole new level by blaming all past democratic governments. Woe betide the United States of America if they face the same fate, cause we gambled that way ... yeah, das how we roll! Not ALSI or NYSE gambling but betting on 8years of your life.

Now back to the real-estate tycoon, the chances of Trump avoiding major errors in security policy would be enhanced if the Congress, and especially the Senate, more effectively played its constitutional role as a check against excessive presidential power, in addition to challenging foolish ideas. With a president-elect who has spoken only in the broadest generalities about his policies, it’s vital that someone in addition to the White House weigh proposals carefully. Congress’ standing with the public is very low, but a Trump presidency may give the legislature the chance to restore some of its long-lost luster.

‘The way for the best-case scenario to happen is for him to appoint largely non-ideological businesspeople to senior positions’
Alec Ross is author of The Industries of the Future

The worst-case scenario: Women lose their reproductive freedom. There are mass deportations. There is a religious test for entry into America. Denying climate change becomes official policy and the U.S exits its agreements. Their international alliances are effectively terminated. The orientation of economic policy-making is rooted in yesterday's industries and does not account for the rise of robotics and intelligence. Trump governs as an autocratic strongman instead of the leader of a single branch of government in a democratic state. The Department of Justice and FBI become Trump's Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii (FSB). In short, America's 70 year run as the world's leader effectively ends.

The best-case scenario is that Trump’s zeal to “win” trumps ideology, and he governs only looking to cut deals where he can declare victory. Trade deals are executed with substantial worker protections. China is bullied into dialing back its mass theft of intellectual property. European states increase their contributions to NATO as a condition of participation. Immigration reform is enacted in a way that allows Republicans to declare victory without victimizing hard-working people who have made America their home.
The way for the best-case scenario to happen is for him to appoint largely non-ideological businesspeople to senior positions and for him to keep the neo-fascists who drove much of his campaign on the sidelines. He’ll view the characters of his recent political past like minor characters on The Apprentice that can be cowed or dismissed.

    Finally, Getting a President Trump to adopt these positions will not be easy, but his advisers need to point out to him that many of his more significant predecessors reneged on their campaign promises that had the effect of making America great.
Mr. Trump’s advisers can help him move in that direction by pointing out to him that because of the reputation that he brings to the office, he can make these things happen more easily than someone with a more traditional view. In other words, given the hardline statements he has made about these issues, his supporters would not expect him to make these more reasonable decisions. But if he does, it would be hard for them to turn against him. Just as only Nixon could go to China, or Reagan could propose eliminating all nuclear weapons, only someone like him could make these things happen.


Think what you want about him. There's one thing that nobody can deny, whether they're a democrat, a republican, or an independent...  Trump has been successful.

Sure, he started off with an inheritance, but in the course of his career as a real estate developer and investor, Donald Trump has multiplied the several million dollar nest egg he received, into the famous, multi-billion dollar fortune he flaunts today.
That makes for career gains of literally hundreds of thousands of percent — with his net worth rising by as much as a factor of 1000.
How did he do it?

On Tuesday, when Donald Trump defied the polls, the Clinton machine and much of his own party establishment to become president-elect of the United States, he also became the closest thing to a black swan event ever seen in American politics: Statistically unlikely, rationalized only in hindsight—and carrying an impact that could be off the known charts. Even here in Nigeria, my fellow citizens were shell-shocked to say the least. How we one enter obodo oyibo? I feel Wole Soyinka's pain lol.

On one hand, Trump is a pragmatic businessman with a very flexible ideology and a desire to be seen in a positive light; on the other, he’s a ruthless and often improvisational dealmaker with no allegiance to the norms and institutions that set the boundaries for traditional political power. And in 10 weeks he’ll be commander-in-chief. Hmmmm ...
What could happen? Here’s where i'm hoping the experts can come in. Below, are some sketched out worst-case and best-case scenarios—and then, most important, what it would take to achieve the latter.
‘Top talent in the GOP (and maybe Democrats) [must] … ensure that Trump doesn’t become isolated or isolate himself.’ ... Ian Bremmer
I, Donald J Trump, do solemnly swear that I will …

The best-case scenario for the United States: President Trump, angry at those who say he has no idea how to be president, appoints experienced, knowledgeable, capable and disciplined people to advise him—and he follows their advice. He dismisses the value of ideology, moves beyond identity politics, embraces a realist view of the world and saves the America First message for a domestic audience. Allies hedge their bets on Trump’s intentions, but personal reassurances from the president himself ensure this is a gradual rather than a sudden process.

The worst-case: Trump tries to keep his promises, but discovers that many are illegal or impossible to implement. He really does ignite a trade war with China, try to deport huge numbers of illegal immigrants, tells Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia to get nuclear weapons, undermines all confidence in the U.S. commitment to NATO at a time when America needs as many allies as possible. He faces pushback even from Republicans. He gets angry. He listens only to slavish loyalists. He looks to protect himself and vindicate his position with public messages that further divide an already divided country. He responds to a terrorist attack on Americans with a series of measures that exacerbate some problems without solving others.

How best to get to the best-case scenario: Top talent in the GOP (and maybe Democrats) honor Trump’s victory by pledging to work in his administration, and they work to ensure that Trump doesn’t become isolated or isolate himself. Trump himself needs to bolster his own confidence by going for some quick policy wins on taxes, infrastructure spending, etc. Trump is encouraged to work for success rather than vindication.
Best of luck, President Trump. Good luck, America.

‘A best-case scenario for Trump would be for him to rationally pursue his policy objectives.’
Francis Fukuyama

A best-case scenario for Trump would be for him to rationally pursue his policy objectives: controlling illegal immigration, trying to renegotiate trade agreements and pursuing a non-interventionist foreign policy.

A worst-case scenario would be for him to use up a lot of political capital at the start of his administration prosecuting Hillary Clinton, suing women who accused him of harassment and changing the libel laws so that he can sue journalists who write critical stories about him. Oh, and also inviting Russian and Chinese aggression by undermining the U.S. alliance system.
Though he was elected in the end, he did not pursue this goal rationally but rather spent time attacking Miss Universe, the Khan family, etc. To get to the best-case scenario you have to take away his Twitter and force him not to chase his various demons, as was evidently done in the last week of the campaign. Seriously though, i know tweeps have a way of getting under one's skin, even if you have genuine intentions and Mr. Trump can't just ignore, can he? The other time we attacked him he said we can't even produce pencils and matches here in Nigeria lol ... Well, he speaks the truth, and shame to us, but that shouldn't be the response of an elected president; so please, someone should take care of Oga's twitter handle.
And then someone should persuade him that allies are actually useful. Like seriously! This will require having a staff that understands the realities of the exercise of American power internationally, and rebuilding bridges to the foreign policy experts that were so alienated by his pronouncements during the campaign.
 ... to be continued.

Friday, 11 November 2016


 Bitter Kola is a tree that grows in the rain forests of West Africa. The fruit, seeds, nuts and bark of the plant have been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat ailments from coughs to fever.
Basically, the nut is about 3-5 cm in length. It is ellipsoid in shape and covered with a deep brown peel which is removed before it is eaten. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth when eaten and this is the reason for its name.
The scientific name for bitter kola is Garcinia kola. It is called Orogbo in Yoruba. The Hausas call it Miji-goro, while it is called Akiilu by the Igbos. This African wonder also has some stunning health benefits.

Bitter Kola: BITE ME!

Bitter Kola was eaten mostly by the elderly people because of their belief that it could prolong life. But the truth is that researches in modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man. “Bitter kola is anti-poison too, it has the ability to repel evil men and spirits, it could sound superstitious but it works. The naturalist even said that the seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is suspected, “it helps to detoxify the system”.

1. It Improves Lung Functions:  
Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) has been used for centuries to treat chest colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and found out why it is effective. A study in the 2009 issue of The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine, performed on mice, reports that Garcinia kola improved respiratory function after 28 days of use of a Garcinia extract. Written by Simon Adekunle of the Ekiti State University in Nigeria, the study shows that Garcinia kola works by dilating the alveolar ducts and sacs in the lungs by improving the strength of the fibres in the lung tissue. Bitter kola’s beneficial lung properties are attributed to its high antioxidant content.

2. Anti-malarial Properties              
Considerable experimental studies discovered that the chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. Also, over the years, traditional healers have recommended bitter kola for the treatment of malaria infections. Researchers who reported that bitter kola had anti-malaria effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, from a survey of plants used by traditional healers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, attributed this to its Quinone’s content. Furthermore, Kolaviron, the powerful chemical compound found in bitter kola, was reportedly tested on a malaria parasite and found to inhibit malarial activity.

3. Improves Male Fertility
Garcinia kola, also called bitter kola is sometimes believed to cure impotence. Frequent taking of bitter kola boosts a man’s performance in bed with a woman. It purifies the blood, acts as a vaso-dilator, and gives rich sperm quality ... this also involves motility, meaning say, your sperm go dey run go fast like danfo for 3MB.

4. Reduces Eye Pressure (Glaucoma)   
An increase in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma, according to a report from The New York Times Health Guide. Researchers at Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH, Idi-araba) in Nigeria tested the effectiveness of eye drops that contained 0.5 percent extract of Garcinia kola. The results of their study, published in the January 2010 issue of Middle East African Journal of Opthamology, showed that the opthamolic solution that contained the Garcinia significantly reduced eye pressure when used twice a day.

5. Health Benefit for HIV   
Bitter kola is a potent antibiotic which could be efficacious in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. A researcher with the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), Mrs. Chinyere Nwokeke told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that bitter kola could be used in treating opportunistic infections associated with HIV. “Bitter kola is highly recommended in the treatment of HIV and AIDS because of its antibacterial, detoxification, and cleansing properties”, she said. Mrs Chinyere Nwokeke also said that the chemical, Saponin, in bitter kola is responsible for its cleansing effect. Saponin is mainly used as tonic for the liver, it enhances the functions of the liver and gall bladder.

6. Remedy For Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, characterised by pain, inflammation and limited movement in the joints, according to the National Institutes of Health. Causes of osteoarthritis can include joint injury, obesity and aging. Since many arthritis sufferers prefer natural herbal medicines to other pain relievers and medications, researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria tested the effects of Garcinia kola against arthritis symptoms. The results of the study, written by Olayinka O. Adegbehingbe and published in the July 2008 issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, conclude that Garcinia kola significantly reduced inflammation and pain and increased joint movement in subjects that had osteoarthritis symptoms.

7. Cure For Cold
Bitter kola is often used to treat the symptoms of colds. It is suggested, in particular, for coughs, sneezing, and bronchitis ... it helped me a lot when i used to have asthma (but do not take more than your head can carry unless you'd have a hard time sleeping!).

8. Commercial Benefits
Commercialization of bitter kola brings a lot of monetary advantages. Due to its multiple benefits, bitter kola is urgently sourced for both locally and internationally, hence yielding a lot of foreign revenue. With just a little quantity in kilograms, as requested by the buyer, with good and proper packaging, one can make a lot of profit in foreign currency. One just needs to be able to get a good buyer and knowledge about the business and start reaping the benefits.
In Nigeria today, bitter kola should become an important commodity to be sourced for by every citizen for its nutritional, health and commercial benefits, especially now that the government is encouraging exports of our local produce.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Starting early with age-appropriate information about sex is a good idea

Curiosity about sex is a natural step from learning about the body. Sex education helps kids understand about the body and helps them feel positive about their own bodies. Younger kids are interested in pregnancy and babies, rather than the mechanics of sex.
The topic question is more often than not thrown at parents in this clime, and i should give modern day technology i.e., the internet 3 GBOSA for grooming our kids in its own evil ways. If your children ask you this question and you can't give them a plausible answer lol, i'm very sorry for you be sure that they'll look for the next available smart phone and type the same question.

In our days we weren't so tech-savvy so our parents didn't see the need to talk about the clearly uncomfortable topic, but we can't say the same of our kids.
And we are always so busy about making money and trying to make up for lost time in traffic by doing all the wrong things once we get home and forget the most important things. Most Lagosians who work on the Island and reside on the mainland hardly ever sleep! 
Discussing sex is also part of starting open communication with your child. Early, honest, and open communication between parents and kids is very important, especially when your child becomes an adolescent. If open communication is normal, kids are more likely to speak with parents about all the other trials of adolescence, such as depression, relationships, and the abuse of drugs and alcohol, as well as sexual issues.
Beginning a conversation about sex early and continuing that conversation as the child grows is the best sex education strategy. It lets parents avoid giving one big, and likely uncomfortable talk when the child reaches adolescence (and will have already gotten information and misinformation from their friends). These conversations are easiest when they come out of a life experience, like seeing a pregnant woman or a baby.
When parents talk with their children about sex, they can make sure that they are getting the right information.  Parents should be a child’s first source of information about sex. Understanding correct information can protect children from risky behaviour as they grow up.

Instilling your family values

Sex education also provides an opportunity to instill your family values in your kids. For example, if you come from a family that believes intercourse should be saved for marriage, this can be part of the discussions about sexuality. If the subject has never come up before, there is significant risk that your child, now a teenager, will not be receptive to this message.

If parents do not teach their children about sex, they will learn about it from somewhere else

A child’s exposure to information about sex begins much earlier than many parents imagine. Not speaking with children about sex means parents will have little control over what and how they learn about sex. What they learn from wrong sources might stick in and when you "eventually" tell them, they might feel you're lying. It is no news that children of these days are very curious when it comes to sex-related issues and they are very perceptive. Personally, i would advise parents not to give their kids smart phones till they are through with their senior WAEC.

School, schoolyard, and the media

Parents should not rely on the school system to teach sex education. Depending on where you live, sex education may not even be available. If your child is taught sex education at school, review it with your child. Ask them what they learned.
What a child learns from friends and in the schoolyard will be incomplete and incorrect. It may also be demeaning or even dangerous.
Although the media is full of sex and sexuality, it is mostly depicted in the most sensational and superficial sense. Realistic portrayals of relationships and sexuality are rare. More often, issues around sex and sexuality appear either without any context or without any emotional or relationship component. Moreover, the risks of sexual activity are often hyped beyond the point teens will believe.

Sex education is safer than no sex education

Studies show the more children are exposed to sexual images in the media, the more likely it is they will engage in sexual behaviours at a younger age. However, actual sex education does NOT lead to promiscuity. Children who receive sex education at home are actually less likely to engage in risky sexual activity. So turn off the television and get talking. (C'mon, they shouldn't even be watching Timaya's "Shake Ya Bum Bum" before you bring this up!).
Having open communications with children about sex and other matters is healthy and safer in the long run. This does not necessarily mean it will be easy or without awkward moments. Teens are still very private people. However, speaking about sex early increases the chance that teens will approach parents when difficult or dangerous things come up.
Drop your comments on what you think ... and follow my blog plsssss :)

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


     Some months ago when Pastor E.A. Adeboye said that Christian spinsters should not marry jobless men, many critics took to social media (even a former Nigerian pastor!) and threw shades at the man of God and dissected this particular statement amongst others. Their major grievance was that God created woman out of man to be his helper, and God’s blessings and grace are abundant on newly married couples. The bible speaks to us in context but most people fail to see this and would rather interpret it to justify their conscience.

Irrespective of whose axe is gored, I personally think a man has to find work in his hands before proposing to a woman. I have been in this boat so I know what I am talking about. I’ll use the experience of Kikelomo as a case study, whose mother toiled with her father while they courted; her father was unemployed initially while her mother worked as a banker.                                                                                                                                                                  She endured the hardship, supported him financially and emotionally and fought her family relentlessly till they both tied the knot. Though they got married, most of the financial burden was on her mother as she emptied her account to fund the ‘not-so-elaborate’ wedding. She had turned deaf ears to her parent’s plea to test other rivers and ditch her heartthrob, so her parents came reluctantly but didn’t contribute any “alala” (as my father would say lol).                                             Her father later got a job at NLNG as a reservoir engineer – one would think that this would come as a blessing but their marriage rather took a downward trajectory.

1.       He suddenly stopped being a loving husband

2.       He traveled often (saying he was looking for greener pastures for the family)

3.       He started spotting all his wife’s flaws he once overlooked

4.       He distanced himself from his family and drew closer to his elder sister

5.       He became an unrepentant womanizer

Her mother had a hole in her heart no one could fill, her spirit thinned out like a single poker card. Then one day, she called Kikelomo to her room and said, “Do you know that jeep your Aunt uses? … Your father bought it for her. He said his mother is getting old and can’t be walking up and down. That new contract he just got too, I told him to give me money to start a supermarket, he said he wants to invest in his sister’s farm that when his investment yields interest, he will give me”.            Her mother told her this, regrettably, against the backdrop of how her father now treated the family now that she was jobless. She advised Kikelomo not to marry an unemployed man for the sake of love.
Now 7 years later, Kikelomo met Dennis, a Master’s degree holder (who is currently running a Ph.D program in Unilag); she loves Dennis so much and wants to get married to him by hook or crook. Dennis is unemployed. He however, applies for jobs day-in, day-out and does some menial blue-collar jobs to keep mind, body, and soul together.                                                                                             As often as it is said, the past is a foreign country – Kikelomo feels this way and wants to marry Dennis against all odds. She told her mum men are different, that her mum should pray for her positively. Kikelomo is now 25 and works at a multi-national company as a network programmer. Now, would you advise Kike to go ahead and marry her knight in a ‘… not so shiny amour?’ or to hold on a bit, or test other waters as her mother advised?    Let us consider the reality and leave out bias, because I am a man also. Most men are generally uncomfortable when their women become more successful than they are. You can imagine what it will be if the man has no job at all. Mind games would set in and, on the one hand, he would think that his wife is sleeping with other men to make up for the anomaly in the home (because that’s what it is), and might not believe her when she says she got her salary reviewed and raised. On the other hand, she would get easily irritated and upset that he didn’t help her with any house chore but kept them all for her … love alone can’t handle these.

As a man, when you do not have a job the translation is that you are not ready for marriage. For any man to wear the marriage belt, he should at least have a job, own a house (even a self-contained apartment) and be willing to cater for someone else. Outside that, the man will never be happy in that house – he can only pretend to be. The onus lies on the man to provide for his family, if he ignores this responsibility and is driven by his emotions to get married, the adverse effect could have a negative multiplier-effect on his marriage:

1.       His ego would naturally be bruised (because his friends would be working)

2.       He would feel his wife is ‘suddenly’ getting authoritative and bossy

3.       He would stop helping her with chores after a quarrel or two

4.       Sub-consciously, he would start scheming of other ways he can display his masculinity

5.       His wife will become easily irritated

6.       It is more intense when kids are involved
Even his family members and friends won’t be happy with him and no wife will equally be happy when she’s seen as the Commander-in-Chief while her husband becomes follower.                               A lot of women have had to go through pains in the hands of some jobless men who squander their money, beat them up (in some cases), and accuse them of having extra-marital affairs; this is the same marriage they so stridently advocated for.                                                                                        The end result is usually a divorce or he gets a good job and then the tables would turn … the dilemma would now take an interestingly new turn after the erstwhile jobless hubby finds a good paying job. It is often said, money reveals a man’s true character:

1.       He doesn’t just regain his lost masculinity, but assumes position as Lord of the Manor

2.       He would find a way of hoarding his money

3.       If he was a flirt, being temporarily broke wouldn’t draw the virus out of his bloodstream … he just put a pause to the habit. He would now become a chronic womanizer

4.       The wife will, slowly but certainly, become a nagging woman

I should categorically state here that a few good men defy these imbroglio and end up being loving husbands. These are the men we should emulate; and by their fruits you shall know them … (they fear God).

However, it turns out to be a different kettle of fish if the man initially had a job before getting married and then lost it as a husband. The psyche of he and his wife would be much more positive and she would be naturally inclined to respect his ideas. The choice of a life partner is not a very cheap one. It is a decision that can make or mar your joy for a whole lifetime, so be wise. The bible also told us that the woman is a helper – that’s the way she was designed, that’s why the case of gender equality on the home front is flawed. The woman is not supposed to bear the entire burden in the family alone; we shouldn’t live in ignorance of the word of God.

Let us not deceive ourselves with ‘only the emotional aspects’ of love and disregard its true meaning. African men especially, are simply not cut out for this kind of arrangement; a woman with a jobless man will have to do double work to sustain that marriage, or she should pray that it avails for only a short while before succor comes. Prayer breaks all boundaries, no doubt, and a wife that prays with, and for her husband can weather any storm. But the fact a couple or two walked down the aisle this way shouldn’t give one leeway to walk down that road. You might not be so lucky! Your spouse might turn out to be the monster you never knew. She might actually be guilty of infidelity and become bossy just to show her frustration with you – what will you do?     “Oya goan find money na!!? I’m tired”, would be her reply.                                                                                   

Woman, what if that loving, energetic guy (who loved working out) suddenly stopped being hardworking, would just watch DSTV everyday and eat all the food in the fridge, leave all the plates and clothes for you (well, he certainly would!) and you still find out he’s cheating on you? Is that the kind of marriage you envisaged?            Edakun ooo … me I am just talking my own, lol, I am not trying to burst anybody’s bubble. I fear that my conclusions may appear trivial and mundane to some, but trust me, finance is key and a major factor for any home to succeed and let me re-iterate here that “Love alone cannot sustain a marriage”. I think the man and the woman planning to get married should have something doing because nobody will come from elsewhere to pay their bills. It takes two to tango.

Please advise Kikelomo on what to do through your comments, it is a True Life Story.


Sunday, 6 November 2016


Peter was finding it hard to believe that the scene before him was actually happening. He had been invited to the bishop's office for a meeting by 2 p.m. He came prepared and praying in tongues, thinking it was a meeting of the board of ministers of which he was the secretary. Seen as the favourite "son" of the bishop, he liked to be in the spirit at all times as he might be called upon to share a word of exhortation (short sermon) or contribute to the important discussions at such meetings and to enable him discharge his pastoral responsibilities 24/7.

       However, the meeting turned out to be a private affair between himself, the bishop and his fiancée (Rosemary), apparently summoned on her insistence. Shortly after the bishop welcomed them and gave them room to speak, she announced that she was calling off their engagement! He could not believe her temerity, to speak so boldly in front of the bishop! Young people of nowadays! A girl that was barely twenty, looking the man of God in the eye without blinking, and talking what she doesn't know. He wanted to hush her but the bishop was listening intently, so he had to do the same.

       She repeated her announcement as if for emphasis and went on to give her reasons for what was, in his view, a rash and ill-conceived decision. She declared that Pastor Peter was not mentally prepared for marriage, to which he exclaimed, "Lord, have mercy!" She complained that in their two years of courtship, she has not felt any tenderness or love from him. She reminded the bishop that she was a pastor's daughter and had never had a boyfriend in her life.                                                         She had been hoping that marriage would give her the chance to experience a man's love in its fullness but there was no indication that Pastor Peter was inclined to love any woman. He was all about prayer, preaching, casting out demons and the like. She concluded that rather than envy other women or compromise her marital vows in search of happiness outside her home, she was nipping the disaster in the bud by ending the "charade".
      Peter felt he could understand the bishop's desire to hear the misguided girl out. It was the patience of a father in dealing with even the most recalcitrant child. Surely, he had heard enough and would send her to some deaconesses or pastors' wives to straighten her out. But the bishop wasn't just playing according to his "son's" script today. He called for drinks and made chit-chat with them as they sipped their glasses of Maltina. Then he asked Rosemary to elaborate what she meant by not feeling tenderness or love from Peter.
      As if on cue, the bishop's wife came in. The bishop stood up to hug her. He complimented her on her new hairdo and she giggled like a child. Then he excused himself from the meeting and they huddled at the far end of the room. Rosemary was watching them wistfully. Peter followed her gaze for some seconds before "realizing" he was "wasting valuable time". This was his chance to put an end to this nonsense and prevent this silly girl from further wasting the man of God's time. Their marriage was widely confirmed to be the will of God, so no "demonic brain wave attack" on his fiancée would scuttle it.
      He reached out and placed his right hand on her head and began to pray in the spirit. She pushed his hand away. "Instead of you to be taking notes from real men", she said, pointing in the direction of the bishop who was holding his wife's hands at the time, "you're busy hiding under the cover of prayer".
      "When have we ever had a conversation like that?" she asked. "When have you ever visited me - at work, at our house or my church?" she continued.
      "I'm next to the bishop, you know? We are running a big ministry here. Besides, what stops you from visiting me? You clearly have more time on your hands."
      "I tried that, remember?" she replied with a snort.
      "Help me out here", he said, after thinking for a while, his expression vacant.
      "Since you've shown no interest in knowing my birthday, I thought we might, at least, spend time together on yours. Last year, you were preaching at a crusade in Ghana, but this year, I cooked fried rice with chicken and came to your office. Even though I'd begged you to make time for us ..."
      "If I recall clearly, you abandoned me in the office that day ..."
      "After two hours! I'd scarcely sat down when you said, 'Let us pray'. I thought you would just thank God briefly but you prayed up a storm and when it became clear I wasn't going to have quality time with you, I decided to go. And you were so lost in the spirit, you didn't even notice me leave".
      "Point of correction: there can be no better quality time than time spent with God. You of all people should know that!"
      "The Bible says a married man is concerned with how to make his wife happy but since you want to be like Apostle Paul, I'm releasing you to do as you wish."
      "I don't have Paul's calling. You'll be my wife, so help me, God, Mother-in-Israel!"
      "If you call me that thing again, I will scream so loud ...".
      "Please, don't, my dear" the bishop cut in with a smile. They had been engrossed in their discussion and hadn't heard him approaching. His wife had apparently left.
      After taking his seat, he began, "Before the break, you were about to tell me why you feel your fiancé doesn't love you", looking at Rosemary. "I suggest that you tell it all to Peter."
      "Not here", he added, as she made to speak.
      "And you, Peter, take the rest of the day off. I hear there's a new eatery in town, one of those fancy places. Get a booth, so you can talk without disturbance."  He added, "I will pay". This in response to the alarm on Peter's face.
      "Go with your diary so you can take notes", he told him. "We don't want him saying he forgot your demands, ever!" He directed this to Rosemary with a sparkle in his eyes. Rosemary frowned, wondering, "Is he making fun of me?" But the bishop's next words made her heart leap with joy.
      "I have a project for you, Peter. It is called Loving Rosemary. When was the last time you took a leave?" Peter was trebly alarmed this time. Was the bishop suddenly getting senile, he asked himself. These are the last days! The devil is working overtime and so must the soldiers of the cross! What then is this talk of leave all about?
      "I approve an accumulated leave of three months for you. I will reassign your duties. Get to know your future wife. Find out her likes and dislikes. Learn how you can please her, in line with biblical standards, of course. You can volunteer at the charity where she works so you can spend much time together. And worship at her church on Sundays if you wish. Believe me, this is for your own good. If you walk into a bad marriage, your ministry will probably sink. Your personal relationship with God will likely suffer also. You'll certainly be carrying more baggage than necessary, not an advantage for someone who wants to go far in life.
      "I'm sure you haven't seen your family in years. Take Rosemary to visit them. Acquaint yourself with your future in-laws too. If the Lord tarries, when you resume work, we'll hold another meeting like this one and, I believe God, it shall be smiles all round so we can schedule your wedding."

- The end-


I remember having ED issues (as a teenager, nonetheless) when I had problems with low T. This was well before I had ever done any research on testosterone – let alone was even aware of how important it was in men.
The ED was humiliating and emasculating.
I have now learned how to cure erectile dysfunction fast doing a handful of simple things. I’m confident I’ll never have ED issues again.

We’re going to flesh out that handful of things in today’s post on how to cure erectile dysfunction permanently. I’m going to be straight with you here and guess that you are here for two reasons:

1. You are having problems with erectile dysfunction.
First let’s go a little bit into what erectile dysfunction is. Erectile Dysfunction is when a man has a continuous problem getting an erection sufficient enough to penetrate in sexual intercourse.
NOW if you have erectile dysfunction, most men have been in a situation where they have had a hard time “getting it up.” This can be for a bunch of different reasons.
If you are here because you have had this problem once or twice, you can’t assume that you have erectile dysfunction.
If this is a regular thing for you and you have not been able to achieve satisfactory sexual performance due to lack of an erection for multiple occasions over some time, then you are in the right place. You are experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction, NOT just symptoms of drunkenness or lack of attraction.

2 You want to learn how to cure erectile dysfunction naturally.
Learning how to cure erectile dysfunction “naturally” means not taking any pharmaceuticals or concoctions that are hawked on the streets of Lagos without the fear of God. We’re talking about Viagra, Cialis, Levitra …
Random fact about Viagra: Viagra has saved the lives of many tigers. Asian poachers harvest tiger bones and sell them for use in medicines. One function of tiger bones in medicine is curing erectile dysfunction ... errr, i also heard eating tiger-nuts too (and i don't mean "OFIO" smh) assin, a tiger's dick, can turn you into a James Bond in bed ... but you never can be so sure lol *yuck!*
However, since Viagra was invented, tigers have been less used for this issue.
In today's post, let's take a dive into our "Man Wood" and discover some natural ways on how to cure erectile dysfunction

1. Raise Your Testosterone
This is VITAL to increasing your sex drive. You may be thinking, “My sex drive is strong, I just can’t fulfill the wishes caused by my sex drive.” Although normal testosterone levels are not required to maintain a normal erection, if testosterone levels dip low enough, they could be the cause of your erectile dysfunction.
You will notice as you read on in this post, that many of the natural cures for erectile dysfunction are also ways to raise your testosterone levels naturally.

2. Exercise for Erections
Exercise gets the blood flow moving, which is clearly important for getting blood into your nether regions.
Exercise is a good way to prevent the onset of erectile dysfunction, but can also reverse the effects after you are experiencing the symptoms. Exercise is an amazing natural cure for ED. It is advised to walk – not run – to get the blood flow moving. Running lowers your testosterone levels and can raise cortisol levels and stress on your body. The last thing you need when you are experiencing the struggles of ED is MORE stress.
Weight training (using the THOR Protocol) is a good way to get the blood flow moving while also raising your testosterone levels naturally.
Also, moving your pelvic regions around your penis is a great way to increase continence
According to this study, doing kegel exercises can help with erectile dysfunction.

3. Eat for Erections
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is important in reversing the effects of your erectile dysfunction. A diet rich in micronutrients, the right macronutrients, and using most of the foods on this grocery list can help with the symptoms.
Both exercise and diet have been proven important for preventing erectile dysfunction because studies show that a man with a 42-inch waist is 50 percent more likely to have erectile dysfunction than a man with a 32-inch waist.

4. Stay on the Same Sleep Schedule
In a study published by Brainresearch in 2011, results showed that men who do not have a consistent sleep schedule have problems maintaining normal or high testosterone levels. The results also showed that hormonal depletion is a cause of sexual dysfunction.
If you do not have a bed time, then you need to get one. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time on a consistent basis.
If you work on the island, live on the mainland, and are always caught up with Lagos traffic, i know it can be frustrating, do your best to get the same sleep time everyday - like sleeping 11pm and getting up 5am.
The amount of quality sleep you get is important as well. Not sure whether or not you are getting enough sleep? A good way to know is to simply stop using an alarm. Do a week or two of testing where you can find the amount of sleep you need so that you can wake up without an alarm every morning. This is when you know you got enough sleep in the night.
If you are still tired after your normal waking time, do not go back to sleep. Make up for the lost sleeping time by taking short under 30 minute naps in the day. This is the best kind of sleep you can get in order to maintain solid testosterone levels.

5. Quit Smoking
Erectile dysfunction can be a result of vascular disease. The process occurs when the blood that is supposed to go to the penis is restricted due to narrowing arteries.
Not only smoking tobacco, but also smokeless tobacco, can narrow the arteries and restrict the blood vessels necessary to get an erection.
If you smoke, this is possibly the cause of your erectile dysfunction. If the dysfunction is bothering you, consider quitting the habit to get your erections back.

6. Stop Drinking So Much
Everyone who has heard the term “Whiskey Dick” knows that alcohol can cause temporary sexual dysfunction. But alcohol is a powerful depressant and high exposure to alcohol can result in full blown erectile dysfunction.
To add to the concerns, alcohol does a great job at lowering testosterone levels. So maybe cut back on the drinks if you feel this may be the cause of your erectile dysfunction.

7. Check Your Medications
Erectile dysfunction can be a common side effect of certain medications.
Medications that have been known to cause erectile dysfunction are medications for high blood pressure, antidepressants, diuretics, beta-blockers, heart medications, cholesterol medications, anti-psychotic drugs, hormone drugs, corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and medications for male pattern baldness.
Look up your specific medication or ask your doctor if your erectile dysfunction could be a result of the medication you are taking.

8. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a possible natural cure for erectile dysfunction.
According to this study, acupuncture can improve the quality of your erection and it cured erectile dysfunction in 39% of its participants.
So go get poked with some needles if you’re having troubles poking with your needle. Thank Spas in Lagos for rendering this service lol.

9. Ingest These Natural Remedies
There are plenty of non-pharmaceutical natural remedies you can ingest in order to cure erectile dysfunction.
Like previously stated, you should avoid using synthetic pharmaceutical drugs to cure your ED. While that route may lead to results in the short term, you will never address the underlying health deficiencies causing your erectile dysfunction. What’s worse is that these synthetic drugs like sildenafil citrate (generic name for Viagra) have a host of negative side effects including:
Urinary tract infection
Painful erections (lasting for several hours)
Lowering of blood pressure to unsafe levels (if taken with other blood-related drugs)
Luckily, there are natural alternatives for improving ED that have been proven to be scientifically effective through peer-reviewed research and trials. Even better, these safe, natural alternatives don’t share the negative side effects of their medically-prescribed counterparts.

Here are a few of them:

Horse Chestnut Extract (also known as Aesculus hippocastanum) – actively works to improve venous circulation which in turn results in better blood flow to the penis.
Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) – has a plethora of science backing up its effects as a blood flow enhancer. It works to increase natural levels of nitrogen oxide and induce cardioprotective effects that help to improve erectile dysfunction.
Vitamin C –  increases nitric oxide production in the body, and that it also protects the molecules. In fact, there is evidence showing that the combination of Garlic and Vitamin C can reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure and increase nitric oxide output up to 200%!
The BEST way to effectively improve ED forever is through naturally fixing deficiencies causing the problem. The ONLY WAY to get the benefits that these herbal alternatives have to offer is by using a supplement with SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN Ingredients at the SCIENTIFICALLY-EFFECTIVE dosages (like the dosages in this supplement).
Ginseng is known as “Herbal Viagra” and has been used to improve sexual function in men. It can also be used to help with premature ejaculation.
Taking high doses of L-Arginine has been known to widen the blood vessels in the penis which can stimulate the blood flow and cure erectile dysfunction.
Xtra Large Male Libido taken from the bark of an African tree has been known to cure erectile dysfunction. It contains a high level of L-Arginine and does wonders once you jump in the sack.
(Hey, call me for your Xtra Large Male Libido on 08156546536: no flashing pls) 
Vitamin C & Garlic Extract are incredible together as a natural erectile dysfunction remedy, mainly because they boost N.O. production by over 200% when combined as they work synergistically.

10. Drink These Juices – Pomegranate, Watermelon
There are two juices that you can drink to help with erectile dysfunction: Watermelon and Pomegranate. A component of watermelon called citrulline, when eaten in high amounts, can increase blood flow to the penis. Although no proof exists that pomegranate juice helps with erectile dysfunction, results of a 2007 study testing the relationship were promising.
Researchers are confident that larger-scale studies will prove its legitimacy in aiding men in getting over their erectile dysfunction.
Not only are these juices easy and good-tasting, natural treatments for erectile dysfunction, they also have alternative health benefits. I would recommend that anybody drink these juices regardless.

So stay tuned, follow my Crystal Health Blog and know thyself. As i always say, beauty is first on the inside and reflects naturally on the outside. Stay healthy, love yourself and live a healthy lifestyle. 

Friday, 4 November 2016




   Ah, morning sex. One of life’s essential pleasures. First you open your tired eyes and say good morning to the beautiful woman next to you, who totally has drool caked on her face. Then you say hello to your own morning wood, because love is suddenly in the air, right ?
And of course you’ll want to oblige your suddenly woke loins, because morning sex, the laziest yet most satisfying of lays, is amazing. But guess what? Morning sex is also really good for your health! It’s almost as healthy as eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising five times a week. Almost.

According to biochemist Dr. Musa Yakubu of the University of Ilorin, having sleepy morning sex is basically the best thing you can do for yourself, because aside from being really, really enjoyable, it also has some insane health benefits! And I mean potentially life-saving health benefits. Who would have guessed?
Yakubu says that morning sex lowers blood pressure and reduces your risk of having a heart attack, so you should definitely indulge in a good old-fashioned romp before starting your day. It’s for your health.
Having sex also releases a flood of oxytocin, which is a feel-good chemical that has so many positive effects on your body. It boosts mood, makes you feel closer to your partner, keeps your bowels happy, and makes you feel more spiritual. All things that make for a great day. Fascinating stuff, right?

But that’s not all…morning sex also helps to keep you safe from nasty cold and flu viruses by amping up your immune system. “Research has shown that sex boosts immune system by stimulating the body’s first line of defense and production of immunoglobulin A (IgA), against cold and fever,” Yakubu says, implying you should add sex to your daily vitamin routine. Doctor’s orders!

                                  Thumbs up for healthy morning sex!

That said, be sure to put your morning wood to good use from now on, my dude. You know what they say: sex early in the day keeps the doctor away.